Kojumi Art

Omyasaka's Art Shop


Welcome to the art page for Kojumi ^  ^ All of my art I'll put on my Gaia gallery, but other things such as manga, comics, and character profiles I'll put here. PLEASE COMMENT!! The only way I'll know Kojumi isn't a waste is if I get comments. They're completely anonymous! D:


N  O  T  E I am nowhere but Kojumi, GaiaOnline, and TheOtaku anymore. If my art is anywhere else please either tell me or report them. Thank you.

Kojumi Gallery


Kojumi Art Extras

Kojumi Manga

You can comment on my overall gallery, report stolen artwork, ask questions, etc here. Please be kind and respectful. All rude comments will just be deleted. Criticism is welcome, but on the Gaia pages they are uploaded to.

E-Mail (Optional):
Comment, etc:

All art displayed anywhere on Kojumi and Omyasaka's Gaia account is property of the Kojumi Project. (http://kojumi.tripod.com/) Do not use without permission.

Kojumi : TheOtaku : deviantART : GaiaOnline